Dunkirk Yacht Club
80 Years of Boating in Dunkirk, NY on Lake Erie
Link to BoatUS NYS Boating Safety Course:

About the Dunkirk Yacht Club
When visiting, enter the harbor at the West entrance of outer break-wall near the (old) power plant, then East toward the City pier (Red-Right-Returning). Enter the inner harbor with the City
Pier to Port and navigate back West along the inner break-wall to the guest dock at Gin Pole in approximately 7′ of water, or further West to our pump-out dock. We have a self-help facility, and welcome you to prepare your meals in our shared kitchen and use our grills and picnic tables. Other provisions available are restrooms, showers, pump-out, bagged ice, telephone (716-366-9789) and WiFi. Please sign in and find additional information inside the Clubhouse.
– Tom Safford, Commodore